Managed Investment Fund vs Income Based Trading
A managed investment fund is a pool of money from several investors held with the aim of acquiring various assets. The assets can be a mutual fund, hedge fund, or exchange-traded fund. Mutual funds are the most common managed investment funds whereby investors own units. A unit is usually a share signifying the value you hold in the fund. To calculate the price of a unit, you divide the total net asset value of the fund by the shares issued, Board Yet, What about this Idea, Income Based Trading.
Income Based Trading
Income based trading is not like investing, infact its nothing like investing. You see income based trading is literally trading for a monthly income. Anyone can buy a stock or a piece of bitcoin then simply stare at it for the next couple of years hoping that is goes up, but your not going to pay the bills with that are you ?
Managed Investment Fund Differences
There is a difference between a Managed Investment Fund and the Income based trader, the Income based trader has no other means of income,, trading is there job, there goal is to make there daily target each day without hitting there maximum daily loss. If your extraordinary good then the trader can do this consistently on a daily bases with out ever having a losing day, and at the end of each month they simply with draw the profits. A typical income based daily target can be from $100 – $200 upwards depending on the account size, in fact there are traders who’s daily target is in the thousands.
So if you want to see how a real income based trader generates a monthly income and see how you can profit from it, then check out the how it works page and getting started page, you never know, it just might be what your looking for.